Linking the Braden Scale to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.


  • Mariane Benicio Fontana
  • Rebeca Fernandes Rocha Paiva
  • Bárbara Cordeiro Santos
  • Karoleen Oswald Sharan
  • Auristela Duarte de Lima Moser
  • Marcos Augusto Hochuli Shmeil


Pressure ulcer; International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health; Health status.


Introduction: Pressure ulcers (PU) are defined as an injury to the skin and / or underlying tissue, resulting of pressure
or combination of pressure and torsional strength. Its occurrence can be prevented by establishing protocols with risk
assessment and preventive measures. The Braden Scale is a tool for assessing risk of developing PU. The International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), in turn, provides a scientific basis for the study of health and
conditions related to it, as well as be used to guide the creation and the use of outcome measures in rehabilitation.
Objective: To relate the contents of the Braden Scale with the contents of ICF. Method: The present study was exploratory
descriptive. The content of the Braden Scale was linked to the content of the ICF, using rules proposed in the literature.
Four health professionals participated in the linking process. Results: Twenty-nine meaningful concepts were identified
in the Braden Scale. From this total, 21 were linked to 17 ICF categories, 6 were classified as nd (not definable) and
2 were classified as nc (not covered by ICF). None of the significant concepts of the Braden Scale was related to some
category of the component Body Structures of ICF. Conclusion: The content of the Braden Scale showed a moderate
convergence with the contents of the ICF, being possible to consider that this scale is within the biopsychosocial model
of health. These results place the Braden Scale as a possible tool to be used to assist in the implementation of the ICF
in patients at risk of developing PU.


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How to Cite

Fontana, M. B., Paiva, R. F. R., Santos, B. C., Sharan, K. O., Moser, A. D. de L., & Shmeil, M. A. H. (2014). Linking the Braden Scale to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal, 1–6. Retrieved from



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